How Do We Reconcile Emotional Pain & Suffering?
The PoE Concepts: The Fucket Bucket™
The Fucket Bucket™
All of our unfinished emotional business is referred to as our incompletions. These pre-existing emotional disturbances “live on” inside the bucket and cause us to act out.
Self-Esteem Damage
Self-Esteem Damage 〰️
Painful experiences flow into the Fucket Bucket™ and over time, it gets full. The filling of the bucket accounts for all sorts of forms of acting out. Acting out that becomes "habitual" can include anxiety and depression, conduct disorder, and obsessive-compulsive behavior patterns. These include smoking, drinking, emotional eating, shoplifting, abusing others, bullying, etc. This includes behavior that in all its forms is self-defeating, and self-sabotaging, and can become chronic and toxic to yourself and others.