The PoE Concepts: The Deconstruction of Ambivalence

How Do We “Process” Our Emotions?

The Deconstruction Of Ambivalence

This process involves taking your intentions and laying them all out on the table for you to examine. That specific kind of awareness -- being able to see your own intention(s) -- is available far more than it's accessed by people. We should change that, and start accessing our own powers to heal, grow and change. So commit to tuning in, and begin enjoying the fruits of the deconstruction process. Below to the right we have the EPS Graph, depicting the Emotional Positioning System.  It parallels a GPS, but instead of physical space, we’re looking at emotional space. Scroll to learn how it works.

Your Truth

Things You’re Avoiding No Matter What

We are not “one and done” creatures. We are ambivalent creatures. This is what the mind is for, as far as I'm concerned -- sorting ourselves out before “willing” the answer, the action, the next step, and finally, the final step. The step that “fulfills” the program for action is the last step. The Will, if it has enough “time”, could potentially mull things over forever. We're great at fudging and camouflaging and ducking and dodging and . . . well you get the idea. Defense is the name of the game for so many of us, and self-deceit often accompanies, or "fortifies" our defending.

Defensive Delights

Things I’m OKAY Knowing

Because we haven't been telling it like it is for so long, when we start telling it like it is we have some embarrassment, some regret, some shame and guilt, not to mention sadness and anger, and yes, it's all frightening to some degree. But there it is. There I am, in all my volitional glory -- meaning that all my intentions are laid bare. This is what I'm up to in life. Now I see it. Before I was unclear (and maybe reluctant to know). Now maybe I will let you see it, and we can explore intimacy at whole new levels.

We use The Emotional Positioning System (EPS) Graph To Develop Ambivalence Profiles

Like color chromatography in a chemistry lab, the Deconstruction of Ambivalence is the process that sets the CICT™ method apart. The process involves separating out the individual emotions at play in a given experience that a person is facing. Using the list of Basic Emotions, go through each emotion and identify how much each one is playing a role in an issue you are facing. Draw a line vertically above that emotion; the taller the line, the stronger you are feeling that emotion. It helps to look at any accompanying action you are taking in response to that emotion because, if you're doing that action a lot in your life, it means that emotion is playing a significant role. Pictured in this graph, anger has the tallest line. This means anger could be a significant driving force in other areas of your life, and more than likely plays a role in many of your other emotional issues.

Example: What would be the ambivalence profile for someone experiencing Jealousy or Envy?

Unfulfilled desire, blocked desire, frustration, and sadness. The line for sadness would be higher when there was more hope for a positive outcome, and a larger line for anger due to more frustration when there was more certainty of the outcome. This applies to experiences like envy and jealousy. Bonus Fact: The difference between Envy and Jealousy is that when one is experiencing Jealousy, it involves a 3rd person in the mix, whereas Envy is directed at one person.