Why Do We Do What We Do?

The PoE Concepts: Human Motivation

Human Motivation.

Emotions are not what we've thought. The layperson is wrong, the received wisdom is wrong, and most of the experts haven’t gotten it completely right up until now. Emotions are not caused by what we think. Again, we've all been wrong about this. Others believe that emotions are AN essential component of human behavior, but the PoE has proven that emotions are THE essential component of all volitional human behavior and functioning when it comes to our willful actions. 

What Shapes Our Will?

Our Emotion(ing) — the explanation of the Will in the Physics of Emotion(ing) Theory — is steering us, every single second of our existence, even while we’re sleeping. We are no different from the other "emotional animals" in that we are at the mercy of what is going on for us emotionally; our meaningful world is an emotional world, or it does not exist. We've mistaken the "spike" in intensity for the presence/absence of emotion indicator, and this is not correct. Emotions are present even when they are not spiking or noticeable, but in the lower intensity ranges, we don't feel as driven by them. In fact, this is where and why we experience having a "choice" in any given moment — our emotional "drives" are not so overpoweringly obvious; there is no choice, but there are times it sure seems like there is. As Maturana has said, if behavior is not "determined", then we live in a haphazard universe without any hope for science or order to it.