The PoE Concepts: The Love-Contempt Continuum

How Do We Change The World?

The Love-Contempt Continuum

Applying the concept of love and contempt to humanity in general, for the sake of discussion, we can picture the human race divided on this love-contempt dimension along a continuum. To make the world more loving, we have to shift the Love-Contempt Continuum. This requires a process of subtracting contempt first. You have to solve the problem of contempt before being able to add the love.

Rumi says the way to love is by virtue of our removing the barriers to it. Here he is implying that love is our natural state, and contempt is the great corrupter. If we go by his understanding, this means we have to solve the corruption to recalibrate.

A Graphical Depiction Of The Human Consciousness

The blue liquid represents what part of this person is showing up with a contemptuous orientation towards the world and the red liquid represents what part of them is showing up with a love-based orientation. The goal is to shift the human consciousness up the color spectrum towards the red.

Consciousness follows the laws of fluid dynamics. It is not physical qua physical alone, it requires language, at the human level of sophistication, making our type of consciousness an emergent property.  Language allows recursivity to happen, which then makes self-conscious awareness “emerge” as a matter of “normal” human development.

How To Shift The Love-Contempt Continuum Towards Love

  • How Contempt Comes To Be

    Emotional woundedness and its chronic inflammation morph into contempt. From that contempt you adopt a stance, a “starting” posture – you make decisions based on it, and you become convinced that the splinter can’t be the underlying problem. It can’t be that simple. . . but it is! It’s the same for all humans. A loving person gets wounded, and from there has trouble seeing from the viewpoint of love. A filter develops; made out of contempt from the wounds that were experienced, and this way of seeing the world takes on normalcy, while the reality of the lenses is lost. Until one day perhaps someone says, “you have the capability of 20/20 vision, why are you wearing those glasses?”

  • How To Ensure That Love Gets The Last Word

    Compassion for themselves and others just sort of emerges on its own as people are doing significant healing. By people who are healing, I don’t just mean people who are willing to open up to verbalize about their wounds, grief and emotional thoughts about themselves. I mean people who open their hearts and minds in earnest to actually make healing happen. The more love you have for yourself, the higher your self-esteem, and the more you want yourself to succeed in life, and your actions prove it. Simple behaviors in your life start to naturally shift towards the more self-beneficial as you generate more love for yourself.