The Physics of Emotion(ing)

Volume 1: A Constructivist’s Understanding Of The Motivational Forces Governing Volitional Behavior

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The 4 Implications Of The Physics of Emotion(ing) Theory

  • There is an explainable source of every human intention. That boils down to the molecular configuration of the person’s emotioning at any given moment….what’s going on for them at that time.

  • The theory outlines a conceptual pre-commitment to structure determinism, which, among other things, involves the removal of the idea of free will and the substitution of the concept of autonomy instead.

  • The PoE represents an attempt to study love and spirituality, from a mind-based scientific perspective, not a brain-based scientific perspective.

  • The theory provides a relatively sound way of studying the black box that is the mind. It proves that the black box is complicated, but it’s not infinitely complicated, it’s not indescribable, and it's not indeterminate.