The Atomic Emotion(ing) Elements (AEE’s)™

Emotion(ing) Elements

Emotions ≠ Feelings

The very most important and foundational concept you need to understand is that emotions are not the same thing as feelings. Professionals and the culture, use these terms interchangeably and this actually accounts for a lot of our misunderstanding about emotions. If you want to learn about oranges, but think apples are also oranges, you’re going to give properties to oranges that don’t exist, and then you’ll go about teaching other people the wrong information! Watch this short video from one of our Self-Realization & Permanent Recovery Webisodes (This 52-week webinar series is available for Premium Subscribers to the TruthMap App!)


All emotions were developed to serve as a signal for our minds to feel feelings, think thoughts, and do some sort of action or behavior in the real world in real-time. This is how it works: An emotion is triggered to turn on → you take action from the list of options that the particular emotion programs for (we'll show you this soon) → the emotion is turned off. If you don't take the right action, the emotional signal will continue to "play" in the background. Just like if you had iTunes open playing music while you wrote a paper on Word.  

  • Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, Guilt, and Shame. We call these the "negative emotions" but that doesn't mean they are bad, just that we as humans don't technically like the "feel" of them if they come up for us.

  • Action Form: Flee or Run away from Threat, Find safety / OR, Conquer the Threat.


  • Action Form: Fight, Dominate, Move against / OR, Surrender, Submit, Accept defeat and loss.


  • Action Form: Retrieve, Get back what was Lost, but failing to achieve that, there will be “Missing” or miserating over what’s been Lost indefinitely, and the only option is to Seek Comfort / OR, Let Go.


  • Action Form: Reject the consumption of, Denigrate and be Repulsed by / OR, Find a way to Consume, to fully Accept, or Practice Conscious Tolerance.


  • Action Form: Punish oneself / OR, Find some way to Undo, Make amends, Repair Things, or Attain Forgiveness.


  • Action Form: Hide, Cover up, and/or Isolate / OR, Show Yourself and Risk Intimacy — Let love in, Experience Acceptance.


  • Interest, Desire, and Joy.

  • Action Form: Attend to in order to connect, to make contact with, to Understand, to create the minimal intention to take note of; To come to “know” (better, or more fully), sponsor, ‘minding’ just because.


  • Action Form: Seek to Acquire, Possess, Consume, or Merge With; To long for something.


  • Action Form: Celebrate, Play, Be Content, Express gratitude, Experience a Full “Yes” about Life.


Avoiding feeling states associated with each emotion makes people less clear about (a) who they are, (b) where they stand, (c) what they should do in life, and (d) why they might do it. “Information” coming from feeling state signals supports our taking appropriate action and appropriate action is required for there to be “Completion.” Ignoring the “call to action” that the feeling states ‘signal’ means the actions we do take don’t happen “well” or “right” enough to “COMPLETE” the task, or bring closure to the meaningful event. Our aversion to experiencing the feeling states and our reluctance to admit to our own meanings, leads us to work hard at “not knowing” them. Our avoidance produces and perpetuates our ignorance of ourselves and what makes us tick. Instead of “dissociating” in order to not feel the signals, we would be better off “associating” more, feeling more deeply and clearly, in order to have a valid sense of the thresholds of all our feeling states and help expand the tolerance levels we operate with in relation to each and every one them.